Seller's Guide

A complimentary guide in helping you sell your home.


Consult With Christian

During this no-risk, no-obligation meeting I will come to your home, tour the home with you, learn more about your timeline and specific needs. I will then craft a customized plan specific to your unique circumstances in order to sell your home in the shortest amount of time for the maximum amount possible.


Prepare & List Your Home

Now that the decision has been made, we need to get your home ready for market. I will provide expert guidance by bringing in outside professionals at my expense to ensure your home is in optimal condition once we list. Using  –this, in turn, will allow us to sell for the maximum price possible.


Contract to Closing

Inspections, clear title, appraisals, and the myriad of potential issues that too often arise and complicate closing–things like offer contingencies such as subject to sale, home of choice, or property issues like radon–are part of what I do best. My goal is to guide and protect you through the entire process from contract to close so you can celebrate an on-time closing.

Work With Christian

Christian's success is driven by his desire to provide the highest level of professional services to his clients through his unique concierge style interactions. His rich and in-depth knowledge of Real Estate allows him to be a consistent and trustworthy resource for his clients.

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